
First Presbyterian has been chartering Cub-packs and Scouting Troops through the Boy Scouts for American since 1916, nearly 110 years! We proudly sponsor Troop 34 Girls & 34 Boys and Cub Scout Pack 3034.

Cub Scout Pack 3034

Cub Scout Pack 3034 is a parent and family-oriented Pack, it relies on parents’ support and involvement in taking on leadership positions. Our Cub Scout is a Non-Denominational Pack for all boys and girls Kindergarten to 5th grades. The Cub Scout Pack consist of Dens which are formed by grades and not age:

Lions are Kindergarten grade. Tigers are 1st grade. Wolf are 2nd grade. Bears are 3rd grade. Webelos 1 is 4th grade. Webelos 2 (Arrow of Light) is 5th grade.

The Cub Pack has many projects and events throughout the year, including winter and summer camps at Camp Tracy and the annual Blue and Gold in February, Pinewood Derby in March, etc. In addition we have weekly meetings and monthly activities and several service projects throughout the year. The scouts also stay busy as they work towards rank advancements earning belt loops and Webelo pins.

If you would like more information about the Cub scouting programs, would like to help, or join please contact one of the following: Burke Jensen (Cub Master) 801-319-0823 Email:

Dan Zaharias (Committee Chair) 801-808-6683 Email:

Troop 34 has been registered since 1916 and is the 34th Troop created this side of the Mississippi; one of the oldest outreach programs in First Presbyterian Church. Troop 34 is a parent and family-oriented Troop, it relies on parent’s support and involvement in taking on leadership positions. Scouting is for youth ages 11 to 17 or who have completed the Cub Scout Arrow of Light Award. The scout troop is very active throughout the year with weekly meetings and monthly activities, including hiking, river trips, backpacking, winter camping, and summer camp. The Troop also works on several service activities throughout the year.

If you would like more information about the scouting programs or would like help or join please contact one of the following:

Gina Roper (Scout Master) 484-477-3291 Email:

Viola Tognina (Scout Master- Girls)     Email:

Dan Zaharias (Committee Chair) 801-968-7593 Email:

Troop 34 (34 Girls & 34 Boys)