First-Time Visitors
Here at First Pres we aim to be a warm, intergenerational community of Christ followers. We keep the mission of our church pretty simple; love God, love one another, love neighbor, and make disciples.
We hope you’ll join us for Worship on Sundays at 10am. Everyone is welcome, and we do mean everyone! We’re just a bunch of imperfect people, committed to following Jesus and learning how to love one another more fully. Each Sunday service runs about an hour. You’ll find that even though there are some elements of the service that repeat week-to-week (prayers, scripture, sermon, blessing, etc), we also mix things up here and there. One obvious way is with music and worship leaders. We’ve got a rich history of music at First Pres and so we like to offer a variety of styles. On some weeks you might arrive and find our incredible organist and choir ready to go, on others there might be guitars and drums in the mix, and on others you may show up to discover our children helping lead worship. For us, it’s less about the style and more about creating space to worship and encounter God. We serve communion on the first Sunday of each month for any and all who would like to participate, using gluten free bread and grape juice. We’re a part of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Children and Youth Ministries
First Pres strives to be an intergenerational church and prioritizes creating space for our kids and youth to thrive here. Though children are always welcome in worship with us, we provide nursery and toddler care on the second floor for children up to 4-years-old during the service. During the service, children age 4 yrs to 5th grade are invited to the front of the church for a special children’s message before they are led to their classrooms for a children’s church program. We also have Sunday School classes after worship for all ages from 11:15 a.m.–Noon.
Students in 6th through 12th grade are invited to remain in worship and then attend weekly youth group after the service from 11:15 a.m.– Noon (during our all-age Christian Education Hour) downstairs in the youth room. This is a great chance to make new friends, have some fun, and learn more about what it means to follow Jesus. Our students are also active serving our community, meeting up mid-week for a book study, and finding time to have a good time.
People with Special Needs
Wheelchair accessibility: The west entrance off of C Street to the administrative offices is wheelchair accessible. There is an interior ramp that leads to the sanctuary. An elevator close to the staff office area gives access to upper and lower floors.
Visually impaired: We project our liturgy and lyrics on large screens during worship. Copies of large print hymns are available from the ushers each Sunday. All Bibles in the sanctuary are large print editions.
Hearing impaired: Audio receivers are available from the ushers each Sunday.
Location and Parking
Street parking is available on the surrounding streets. Please arrive early to find a good parking spot.
There are two U of U parking lots on either side of D Street between South Temple and 1st Ave that are available for First Pres use on Sundays.
The nearest TRAX light rail stop is “City Center,” four blocks west of the church at South Temple and Main Street.