Adult Ministry and Prayer
Mid-Week Bible Study Groups
Tuesday: Men’s Bible Study at FPC (Parents’ Cafe) at 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Thursday: Women’s Bible Study at FPC (Parents’ Cafe) at 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Prayer Ministry
Prayer is a core value of our church. We speak to God, listen to God, and encounter God in the ministry of prayer. Our Staff and Ministry Leaders provide opportunities for prayer within our church, including emailing a weekly prayer request list, and hosting a prayer gathering on Mondays at 11 a.m. in our church Library.
If you have a prayer request, contact the office to have that request passed on to people in our church committed to praying for any and all concerns, or to have your request posted in our weekly bulletin.
Sunday Christian Education
Each Sunday (Sept-May), right after our 10 a.m. Worship Service, we offer Christian Education Classes (Sunday School) for all-ages from 11:15 a.m.-Noon.
Adult Christian Ed Class, Room 3: These class offerings vary from week to week. Some weeks we’re taking a deep dive into that morning’s sermon text, other’s we’re studying a book of the bible, or working through an Advent or Lenten Study. Bring your bible and come with your questions!
Parent Cafe is also offered during this same time (see below for more info).
*No Christian Education on the first Sunday of the month.
Men's & Women's Retreats
Finding time to get away for spiritual retreat is a way to help nurture our faith and build our friendships.
2025 Women’s Retreat: We’re heading up to Bear Lake (Sunrise Lodge) with the women of Mt Olympus Pres for our annual Women’s Retreat. Mark your calendars now for May 2-4. More information coming soon!
2025 Men’s Retreat: May 16-18. Check back for updates!
Parent's Cafe (Sundays)
We know parenting can be demanding and having some space to just take a breath is often what is most helpful. Parents Cafe is designed for adults, with children aged zero through high school, to have a relaxed space to gather for good conversation, a cup of coffee, and a chance to get to know each other better. Some weeks the Parent’s Cafe facilitates a parenting book discussion or has a guest speaker offer parenting hacks and life advice. Parent Cafe meets each Sunday morning (Sept-May), right after worship in the Parents’ Cafe at 11:15 a.m.
*No Christian Education on the first Sunday of the month.
Fellowship Groups
Folks of shared interests get together all the time at First Pres. See below, and join in on the fun.
Craft Group: Like to knit? Cross Stitch? Paint? We’ve got an active group of crafters that get together on the second Friday of the month at 7 p.m. (Room 3.)
Retired Adult Luncheon: Join us for lunch in the fellowship hall at 11:30am on the second Tuesday of every other month. A donation is suggested but not required.