New to Faith?

Doubts are ok. Uncertainty, ambiguity, or confusion about Jesus and how to respond to God are perfectly normal. At FPC, we think questions are a good thing and serve as invitations to learn and grow. We’d encourage you to make space for new possibilities. Engage your curiosity. Let your confusion lead you to deeper questions. Give yourself permission to doubt your doubts!  Suspend disbelief long enough to examine and experiment—and see what you might discover about Jesus. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. 

Here’s a few things that can help to nurture your faith:

WORSHIP: A basic truth is we eventually become like what we worship. And by worship, we mean what you give your honor/devotion, time, and attention to. If you want to change your behavior, change what you worship. Join us in practicing a weekly rhythm of worshipping God, Sundays at 10 a.m.

CONNECT WITH GOD: Our faith is based on a relationship, not a set of beliefs. Our beliefs grow out of our relationship with Jesus. Like all of our relationships, the only way to go deeper is to spend time together. Starting a regular rhythm of time with the Bible (listening to God) and prayer (talking with God) is a great way to begin. There are MANY ways to do this, so give yourself permission to try out some things. You can start with praying the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13).  If you need a Bible, we’ve got one for you (or go online). Not sure where to start reading? The gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are a great place to discover what Jesus was all about. There’s also a load of great Apps for daily prayer and study… Here’s some we love: the Daily Prayer app  or Pray as You Go or the YouVersion Bible App. We also have free devotionals available called “My Daily Bread” you can grab anytime.

CONNECT WITH FRIENDS: We were made to be in community. We weren’t made to go this life alone, and even more, we don’t have to. Join a group to learn more about the Bible, or to pray together, or to serve those in need, or just to gather around common interests. We have loads of groups and studies that meet throughout the week and regular opportunities to serve our community. Get plugged in.

CARING FOR OTHERS: Jesus’ message is summed up in Loving God and Loving Neighbor.  We are made to be “turned outward” in love and care towards others; not turned in upon ourselves in an ever tightening circle of grasping and selfishness. We’ve very active in serving our neighbors here in SLC, jump in to help out.