Love God. Love one another.

Love neighbor. Make disciples.

Worship with us

In person or online, Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

We all know about Jonah. Even folks who’ve never read the Bible, know enough about Jonah to talk about him being swallowed by a “whale.” But there is A LOT more to this reluctant prophet’s story. He ran from God. He resented his enemies. He lied. He had a terrible attitude. But then he eventually, finally, mostly surrendered to God’s will. But it took being swallowed. Jonah is the anti-hero and thank God for his story, because often we are too. But this story isn’t all about Jonah… it’s also about God. The God who simply doesn’t give up on us, no matter what.  

New to First Presbyterian?

Here at First Pres, we aim to be a warm, intergenerational community of Christ followers that welcome all people (and we do mean everyone!) to worship God and grow in faith. We’re just a bunch of imperfect people, committed to following Jesus and learning how to love one another more fully. We keep the mission of our church pretty simple; love God, love one another, love neighbor, and make disciples. It might be simple, but we’ve decided that’s enough to give our lives to! We hope you’ll join us.